
Everyone's Business: B&D Network

As part of the Everybody’s Business Network, you have access to a number of opportunities for business support.

On this page, you will find all the details you need about the upcoming important Toolkit sessions, along with useful resources and news from within the network.

Please note that all Toolkit sessions have limited availability so sign up quickly if you want to attend.

Network of people


Everyone’s Business is a 12-month pilot project which is being developed by ELBA, with funding and support from the Mayor’s Violence Reduction Unit.

It is being run across four East London boroughs – Barking & Dagenham, Newham, Waltham Forest, and Tower Hamlets – with a local organisation acting as a network development lead for their borough. 

In Barking & Dagenham that is us and our network currently consists of:

  • Kazoku Karate-Do
  • One Room Live
  • Shpresa Programme
  • Studio 3 Arts
  • Triangoals

Monthly meetings

Next meeting

When: 28 January 2021, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Where: Zoom [click here]

What: Update on the pilot and your chance to let us know about any new challenges that have come up which you would like the network to think about.

Dates of upcoming meetings

All meetings will take place between 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Further dates will be arranged once the development of the pilot project is decided.


Business Planning Session 

Led by: Société Générale

When: Tuesday 1 December 10:00am – 11:30am

What: tbc

How: If you would like to reserve a space on this course please email Harriet


Cross-network meeting

Led by: ELBA

When: Tuesday 8 December 2:00pm – 4:00pm 

What: This will be the first time we will be bringing together all the organisations involved in the project.

It will be your chance to learn from and with one another and forge new connections across East London.

How: You should receive an invitation for this automatically. Please let Cameron or Harriet know if you do not.


Led by: UBS

When: Friday 11 December 10:00am – 12:00pm  

What: tbc

How: There are only limited spaces for this session, and they will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

If you would like to reserve a space on this course please email Harriet.



The NCVO has a lot of in-depth resources covering every aspect of charity governance. Currently, due to the pandemic, a lot of the resources are free but this won’t always be the case so download now!

Get on Board is a charity that’s dedicated to supporting other charities find, support, and develop great trustees. Their resource bank is free and they also run regular free training for organisations with turnovers below certain thresholds.


One of our funders, the Lankelly Chase Foundation, has put together a great list of funding opportunities.

The Mayor of London has a lot of funding opportunities for a range of ideas – a lot of the funds are currently closed but you can sign up for email alerts when they re-open.

Social Media

Adobe Spark is a free-to-use program that can be used on almost any device. You can quickly create a stunning array of social media posts in a matter of minutes with little experience required. Simply choose a template and tweak it to your needs or start from scratch and let your imagination go.

Hootsuite is a social media management tool that can help you plan out your posts well in advance. While you can pay, its free version allows you to add up to three accounts and schedule up to thirty posts – perfect for when you’re just starting out.

Sprout Social keeps an up-to-date list of the correct sizes to use when putting images on social media. While you might not need to worry too much about this, you might want to make different images for different platforms so people see everything at first glance.

Tweetdeck is a free Twitter management tool which allows you to see all your Twitter activity in one easy place. It also allows you to save searches so you see every new post that comes into a specific hashtag, which is great for keeping track of what people are saying about your event.

Digital Media

DaVinci Resolve is a free video editing program, and one which we use ourselves thanks to its ease of use. There are a lot of videos on YouTube that will teach you how to get going – we recommend this playlist to get you started.

The GNU Image Manipulation Program is a free image editing program which can do quite a lot of things. It’s been built by a large number of people over time, so it can feel a bit tricky to understand. However, as with DaVinci, there are a lot of people online who are more than happy to show you where to begin.

Catalyst is a charitable initiative to increase the resilience and responsiveness of UK civil society, through digital, design and data. On their website, you will find a lot of resources around digital delivery.