It’s Giving Tuesday.
What will you do today to support local people working towards a better future?
Consider giving to a local charity, one that serves the community in which you live and addresses the causes you care about most.
Did you know that your voice is just as important as your gift?
We want to hear from you. Tell us why giving locally matters in the space below and help inspire others.
Together, we can start a local movement of community support. We can shape a borough where everyone gives a little of their time or money to causes they care about, making Barking & Dagenham a better place for everyone.

Give a gift, then give your voice to Giving Tuesday below...
Tell us why giving locally matters and help inspire others.

Did you know?
- Giving Tuesday has been running since 2014 in the UK and now its a global campaign, running officially in over 60 nations and geographies worldwide with people from over 150 countries taking part every year.
- There were over 360 million impressions alone on Giving Tuesday 2020
- Giving Tuesday holds the world record for online line fundraising within 24 hours
Here are some other ways you can participate in Giving Tuesday and a few organisations in Barking and Dagenham who would love to get your support:
Support FLWomenWellness on their community fun day!
If you would like donate any toys or support please contact FLWomenWellness
In- person donations can be made at:
57 River Road
IG11 0DA
Sign up to BMoneyWize' free signature Teen Money course
Coupon Code:
Have your donations to The Ben Kinsella Trust doubled by the Big Give
Your generous donation will help them to continue to tackle knife crime in 2022 and help keep our streets safer for everyone.