
Renew Fund

COVID Relief

In September 2020 we paused new applications to the Renew Fund with the intention of relaunching in January 2021.

The Renew Fund is a fund which we have been using since 2017 to incubate and encourage new ideas from the borough, especially from those who have never applied for funding before.

Back in March, we pivoted to funding new ideas which were specifically responding to the new needs of the borough created by the lockdown. 

However,  almost a year later, it is clear that there is an urgent need in the borough to support work which is sustaining the community. 

As such, after careful consideration, the board of Barking & Dagenham Giving has decided to make some of the Renew Fund available as a COVID Relief Fund for local organisations involved in supporting the community.

We are offering 10 grants of £3,000 to support organisations that have experienced a loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • We welcome applications from any local organisation with an annual turnover of under £75,000 – as shown in your most recent published annual accounts – including community groups and sole traders, whose work supports the community of Barking & Dagenham.
  • Applicants must be 18 or older.
  • Applicants must be able to prove, if asked, loss of income.
  • This is not a fund for new projects.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Get involved

Apply for funding

The process has been based on what we learned from Rapid Response Fund which we ran last year and is still informed by participatory principles

Applications will be assessed by a group of community decision-makers who will read all complete submissions and come to a consensus about funding.

We anticipate that successful applicants will receive funding offers by the end of February/start of March. 

Applications are open now, and will be open until 5pm, Monday 15 Feb

Become a grant-maker

If you would like to be a decision-maker for the fund, please click on the link below.

It will require an estimated time commitment of 7-10 hours scattered across several days in February

This will consist of:

  • A mandatory 1-hour introductory meeting
  • Time spent assessing the applications.
  • A reflection event held at the end of the funding period to discuss the outcomes of the fund.


Covid Relief Fund opens for applications

Mon 1 February

Deadline for funding applications

The window for applying for funding will close on 15 February.

Mon 15 February (5pm)

Evaluation of funding applications

The grant-makers will spend time assessing all complete applications

16-25 February

Funding distributed

Funding offers will be made according to decisions reached by the group.

w/c 1 March


We will ask all the grantees to meet with the decision-makers to discuss and reflect on the funding process.
