Sharing decision making power
“Together we are going to share an experience that will transport us to the heart of what sharing power and decision-making means. This isn’t always going to be easy or comfortable, but we’re convinced it will be a unique and rewarding experience for all of us – and I for one, can’t wait to get stuck in!”
Géraud de Ville de Goyet, CEO of BD Giving
About the welcome event

About the Community Steering Group
The steering group is currently made up of 12 people who will meet monthly to co-design the investment policy, as well as the framework for other funds, and a model for future steering groups.
The group – all of whom are resident in the borough – will:
- draw on their experience of Barking & Dagenham to shape the funds;
- use decision-making techniques and tools to find a way forward that includes all voices in the group;
- be accountable to the community for the decisions they make together.
In return they will be part of a unique opportunity to make a real difference in their borough. They’ll receive training and support around group decision-making, community engagement, and understanding finances. The members will also be paid at London Living Wage for their time.
After 9 months, a new set of members will be recruited to give more local people the chance to participate in transforming the future of funding in Barking & Dagenham.
Find out more...
BD Giving will be sharing news from the Steering Group after each monthly meeting, and the members themselves have committed to share what they learn with the wider community.
To keep up to date with the work of the Community Steering Group register for BD Giving’s emails HERE.