We are all connected in one way or another
Liliana Hristova
Human connection
I believe that we are all connected in one way or another and subconsciously most of us share similar desires not only to survive as a species but to learn, develop, connect, build, and innovate. All well and good, but finding a way to reach our common goals in a way that is beneficial for our environment, our health and our souls is the journey I’m interested in the most.
Working together rather than individually while protecting our individuality and even discovering our individuality along the way, seems a rather good direction to me.
For that reason, working with pioneering organisations such as BD Giving, EOED, Sew London, Early Years Cocoon and taking part in various community projects in Dagenham as a resident and on behalf of BooksByMILE and Loop Management Services, gives me hope that we are on a right path to build stronger, more resilient communities in a way that is healthy for us, our environment and our global home, planet earth.
Little steps, big steps, learning from mistakes, trying different approaches, and searching for a different point of view seem an essential part of the journey. I personally would like to spend less time making the same mistakes and more time learning from past mistakes, successes, and journeys. That is why I find sharing experience, knowledge, and resources very valuable indeed.
Visiting Plymouth Octopus Project
Visiting Plymouth Octopus Project
- Learning from POP’s experience of mapping connections between groups and organisations.
- Building a comprehensive directory of community groups, social enterprises, limited companies taking part, or interested in building a more resilient and participatory community.
- Opportunities to build stronger connections with organisations with similar purposes across the country to share experience and learning.
- When community events are organised to share the attendee list and any contact details, they are happy to share with the rest of the attendees.
- Introducing more holistic approaches in building connections, making decisions, and facilitating community events and within learning groups.
- Focus on providing long-term, stable community services, rather than short term projects.
A part of me will remain with them and cannot help but feel that this connection will only become stronger with time.