
New funding opportunities

SEGRO Centenary Fund

In April, SEGRO launched a new £10 million fund to mark its centenary which will be used over the next decade to make a positive impact within communities across the UK and Continental Europe in which they have a presence. The majority of the first year’s funding of more than £1 million will be allocated to projects which provide emergency relief and seek to address the longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The fund was originally intended to be launched on 19 May to coincide with the 100th anniversary of SEGRO’s establishment, however the plans were revised to provide urgent support to members of the community who are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of the COVID-19. Since its launch they have supported nearly 50 charities to deliver vital projects which will support around 25,000 vulnerable people across the UK, 9,000 of which live in London. 

SEGRO are now keen to identify and support impactful community projects which will help young and disadvantaged people on their journey into employment.  Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, SEGRO supported a number of fantastic charities that helped to train and develop the skills and confidence of hundreds of Barking & Dagenham residents to enable them reach their full potential.

They want to support more these projects and want to encourage charities and community groups in Barking & Dagenham to bid for up to £40,000 to help them continue to deliver training and employability support during the crisis.  Charities can apply via SEGRO’s community partner, the London Community Foundation, by contacting Harriette Tillott to express an interest.

Independent Age Grants Fund

Coronavirus has changed the lives of everyone in the UK, but this is particularly true for our older generation who remain amongst the most affected. Before coronavirus struck the nation, Independent Age was exploring how to strengthen collaboration with older people and local organisations with the aim of shaping a more active role in supporting communities.

To cope with the current emergency, Independent Age have released £2 million to help smaller organisations across the UK working with older people hardest hit by the virus. Grants Fund will comprise of four separate funding rounds. In each round they will make £500,000 available where organisations can apply to receive up to £15,000 each.

Application closing dates for each funding round are detailed as follows:

  Round opens for applications Closing date for applications When we will confirm our decision
Round 1 18 May 2020 9am on 4 June 2020 19 June 2020
Round 2 8 June 2020 9am on 2 July 2020 17 July 2020
Round 3 27 July 2020 9am on 21 August 2020 3 September 2020
Round 4 24 August 2020 9am on 18 September 2020 1 October 2020

More information about eligibility as well as guidance and the application form can be found on www.independentage.org/community/grants-fund


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