As a result of being inundated with brilliant applications from across the borough, we are now in a position where we have to close the fund.
When the fund was launched, we set a deadline of the end of July or whenever the funding ran out.
We knew when we launched the Rapid Response Fund that we were likely to get more requests than could be funded – what we didn’t anticipate was receiving amazing applications from the community which totalled double the amount of funding available. This has, unfortunately, meant that we have had to disappoint many people.
In a previous post, we explained the process of the fund and how it was designed. Over the past few weeks, panels of community decision-makers have voted and consulted on applications
- 44 Applications received
- 5 were outside the restrictions on the fund
- Almost £200,000 worth of applications
- 13 decision-makers sat on 5 panels
We’re still processing the last applications so don’t worry if you haven’t heard back from us just yet!
We’ve made this decision now to save people time and manage expectations.
If you were thinking of applying for funding, then please do continue to follow us on social media for more updates as we are working hard to bring more funding opportunities to Barking & Dagenham.
Thanks again to the Lankelly Chase Foundation for providing this fund for us to distribute. We have learned a lot from this process which will be used to improve and expand our work.
We’re looking forward to seeing how the funded projects develop and will be writing up their stories for you on here.