
Everyone Included

We equip people with the resources they need to get involved in local decision making.

The people of Barking and Dagenham are at the heart of everything we do.

We think that the people affected by spending decisions should be involved in making them.  All our funding and investment decisions are made by residents – and we’re  hopeful about the future. Local people have the appetite to improve the borough and our community-led grant making
Grantmaking Is the awarding of grants (money that is not expected to be paid back) in an effort to address community needs or achieve social good.
and social investment
Social InvestmentIs the use of repayable finance to help an organisation achieve social impact. The investment can take various forms, commonly a loan, or debt type form with interest, and is often used to develop new or existing activities that generate income. The requirement to finance a loan usually means that the investment should not be used as a substitute for a revenue stream; if an organisation is not trading it may not have a way of repaying the money and therefore should not consider taking on social investment.
can accelerate their efforts.

“We’re planting the seeds for something beautiful and fruitful to grow in our borough”

- Irina, Barking resident and CSG member.





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