Why does working in Barking and Dagenham interest you?
As a resident of Barking and Dagenham, I am invested in what happens in our Borough. I want to be instrumental in creating positive change, not just for myself, but for all those who live here. Barking and Dagenham is a place of such potential – we have a passionate and diverse community.
What are your ambitions for the borough?
With a history of working in the social sector, I have seen how much need there is, but also how much compassion our community already has. I would like to continue to see people met with the support they need, to then be empowered and supported to help others, and for Barking and Dagenham residents to take control of situations that involve them.
I would love to see Barking and Dagenham thrive, to be a inclusive and considerate community, who look out for one another.
What role does the community have in realising that ambition?
We can all have a positive impact where we live. So often we take a passive role, complaining about decisions that are made for us, but there are opportunities to get involved, to be part of the change. BDGiving is one place where this can happen, where residents can have a say in aspects of our Borough. It’s not the full picture, but it is part of it.